Favorites of the French with nearly eleven million individuals, cats far exceed their rivals dogs. As with the latter, the choice of breed is a recurring subject during adoption: is it better to take a long-haired or short-haired cat; calm or active, shy or assertive?
Animals Health guides you as well as possible in this choice which can prove to be complicated!
In order to best choose the breed of your cat, you should first ask yourself the following question: what is a purebred cat?
A breed meets a standard that defines point by point all the elements of the animal’s anatomy . For example, a Siamese is defined as having – among other criteria – the extremities darker than the body.
Each breed – and a posteriori each individual called “pure” – is registered in a genealogical book recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture: the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF).
Your animal can only be considered purebred if it is registered in this book; he will then have an official pedigree. Otherwise, it cannot be called a “purebred cat” but only an “appearance cat”. Hopefully, your cat will be no less beautiful!
Unlike dogs, the overwhelming majority of cats in France are ” alley ” cats, therefore not belonging to the official book. And yet, choosing a ” purebred ” kitten provides a number of advantages that are worth mentioning.
When the owners have a precise idea as to the character or the physique of their future Cat Breed, it is recommended to move towards a “purebred” kitten. Indeed, due to the strong selection carried out on these cats, certain morphological or behavioral criteria become predictable and are thus better able to correspond to the expectations of the owners .
However, in return, it is generally necessary to pay a certain sum for the acquisition of your “purebred” kitten.
In order to choose the breed that best suits you, it is necessary to ask yourself the right questions:
- How do you live?
- What do you expect from your cat?
- Are you ready to invest in equipment?
Do you live in town?
It will also be necessary to carry out a small investigation on the breed(s) which interests you: the criteria can be physical but it is necessary above all and above all to know their behavior, their particularities, their needs and their lifestyles. to be certain that your cat is adapted to your environment. The differences are indeed significant. For more information visit this site: superratmachine
For example, a long- haired cat (such as a Persian, to name only the best known) requires daily grooming to prevent their coat from forming uncomfortable knots . This requires being prepared to brush your cat every day. In the same idea, the Sphynx, whose skin is more exposed due to a particular hairiness and which therefore secretes more sebum, will need baths more frequently (maximum once a week).
On another note, some cats require more attention than others. This is the case of the Cornish Rex who will never stop asking you for hugs or even the Orientals (Siamese and Oriental) who are known for their talkative temperament: so be ready to satisfy them!Conversely, big cats (Maine Coon, Norwegian, Turkish Angora) are generally more placid, and often show less solicitation than their Oriental cousins, which does not displease some owners.
Far from being an exhaustive list – there are more than sixty recognized breeds, you will find below some frequently encountered breeds.
If you want peaceful and non-intrusive cats, with whom you can spend shared but calm moments, you can turn to the distinguished Persian whose many color varieties should satisfy everyone.
You can also consider the Exotic Shorthair, which is also flat-faced but has more moderate grooming . The British and the Ragdoll are also easy-going and reserved, but unlike the previous two, they do not have a flat face.
For a family life, the unbeatable Maine Coon or the majestic Sacred Birman , Turkish Angora and Norwegian are often recommended, which are described as active but discreet . Adapted to this type of environment, we also find the glorious Chartreux as well as the lesser known American Curl with curved ears.
If you are looking for a demonstrative and active cat, even talkative, then consider the Siamese or its colorful counterpart, the Oriental, which are among the best known. You might also be interested in the previously mentioned Sphynx or the sumptuous Bengal , both of which are always seeking attention from their owner. More laid back are the elegant Abyssinian and its semi-long-haired cousin, the Somali .
Do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian if you have any doubts about the well-being of your cat. As you know, veterinary costs and care for your pet can be expensive. Remember to take a mutual for cat. Animals Health is insurance for dogs and cats, all risks and without deductible, with formulas adapted to each need.